Recent Developments: Delaware Law and Disclosures Relating to Financial Advisors in Substantial Transactions
Corporate boards rely upon financial advisors to perform essential functions in major transactions, including designing,implementing and overseeing sale processes, as well as evaluating and ultimately opining on the fairness of the consideration offered to the target company’s stockholders.Given the importance of the financial advisor’s role in substantial transactions, legal challenges to such transactions often focus on disclosures concerning the foundation of the financial advisor’s fairness opinion, the financial advisor’s fee structure and potential conflicts of interest.
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Lisa Altman, Jaffe PR, Senior Vice President
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Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP is one of the largest and most highly regarded Delaware law firms, providing legal services to regional, national, and international clients. With more than 100 attorneys, the firm centers its practice on corporate and alternative entity law and litigation, commercial litigation, bankruptcy, intellectual property, labor and employment, and real estate.