Rogers Weighs in on Ethical Theories as Guideposts for Lawyer Obligations
Partner Jacqueline Rogers served on a CLE panel at the American Bar Association Business Law Section Hybrid Spring Meeting in Seattle. The panel is entitled “Ethical Theory as a Guidepost for Ethical Lawyering: Can Different Theories of Ethics Elucidate the Ethical Obligations of Attorneys? Rogers and the other panelists examined how various ethical theories explain an attorney’s obligations and whether ethical theory can be a useful lens to assist practitioners in understanding their obligations.
Rogers represents companies and their management and boards in high-stakes mergers and acquisitions litigation, corporate and stockholder disputes, and complex commercial litigation in the Delaware Court of Chancery. She also has substantial experience litigating and providing advice concerning various statutory proceedings under the Delaware General Corporation Law, such as indemnification and advancement suits, stockholder appraisal actions, dissolution proceedings, litigation involving contested director elections, and books and records demands.
For more details about the program, visit the ABA website.
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Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP is one of the largest and most highly regarded Delaware law firms, providing legal services to regional, national, and international clients. With more than 100 attorneys, the firm centers its practice on corporate and alternative entity law and litigation, commercial litigation, bankruptcy, intellectual property, labor and employment, and real estate.