Kelly Addresses How Blockchain and Smart Contracts Are Relevant for Commercial Lawyers
Partner Chris Kelly was a speaker at the Delaware State Bar Association’s October 10 program on recent developments and legislative changes in commercial law. Kelly’s topic was “How Blockchain and Smart Contracts Are Relevant for Commercial Lawyers.”
This is the latest in a series of presentations and articles from Kelly on blockchain and smart contacts. For more information, visit Kelly’s biography.
For details about the October 10 program, visit the DSBA’s website.
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Lisa Altman, Jaffe PR, Senior Vice President
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Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP is one of the largest and most highly regarded Delaware law firms, providing legal services to regional, national, and international clients. With more than 100 attorneys, the firm centers its practice on corporate and alternative entity law and litigation, commercial litigation, bankruptcy, intellectual property, labor and employment, and real estate.